What are the 7 Best basic dog commands?

Dogs Jump Online
15 min readJul 23, 2020


Hey, do you want to learn the basic dog commands like Lie-Down, sit, stand, Listen, speak, come and heal, that every dog owner should know about these commands? Dogs need to be trained to promote appropriate behavior and discourage unwanted or “bad” behavior.

Teaching Your Dog to Lie Down

1. Get your dog’s attention:

Find your dog with some edible treats or a toy. Put a toy or treat in front of him so that he pays attention to you.

2. Use this treat or toy to encourage the dog to lie down.
Put this toy or treat in front of the dog in the middle of its legs.
His head should follow him, and shortly afterward his body.

3. Appreciate it immediately:

When the dog’s stomach is on the field, praise it, and then give him that treat or toy. Do the praise only for the right thing, if you praise it when it is half down or up, then it will do the same again.

4. Increase your distance:

Once he learns this behavior by looking at the treat under him, go a little farther. Then from far away, use your hand to give him a “down /down” sign, this will be a flat hand — down the gadley -going down from your waist to your side

  • As the dog gets accustomed to the “down” behavior, then you also add the verbal “down” or “lie down” command to it.
  • Always praise him whenever his stomach is in the ground.
    Dogs can read body language easily and learn hand signals very quickly.

5. Prolong “down”: When he becomes more confident with “down”, give him a few seconds to give him praise and treat to stay in that position.

  • Even if he repeatedly shows greed to get that treat, don’t give it to him, because it will reward his past behavior.
  • Just start everything again, and your dog will start to understand that you want him down on the field, as long as you are strong.

6. Do not bend over your dog.

Once your dog agrees to the command, stand upright giving it to him. If you dominate him, then his habit will be such that whenever you bow
down on him, he only lies. In the end, you just want to make your dog fit to lie anywhere in the room.

Teaching the “ SIT” command for your dogs.

1. Put your dog in a standing position:

The command “Sit” means to speak to him from the stand, not just to make him sit. To make him stand, you either come to your dog yourself or go away from him.

2. Keep yourself in line with his eyesight:

Stand in front of your dog, so that his attention can go towards you. Let him see that there is a treat in your strong hands.

3. Focus the dog on the treat.

First, start with the treat on your side. Raise your hand in front of the dog’s nose so that it smells, then bring it over his head.

  • When you take that treat on top of your dog’s head, he will sit down to see that treatment even better and it is a habit of every dog.

4. Give him an instant threat and praise:

clicker-treat / praise or just treat and praise in the routine. When he completes the command you have taught, then call him “good sit”.
It may be somewhat slow in the beginning, but more treats and accolades will increase its speed.

  • Make sure you don’t praise him until he actually sits down. If you praise in half of the sitting, then the dog will understand that this is what you want.
  • Also, make sure that you do not praise him for getting up again, otherwise, he will teach you to get up instead of sitting.

5. If your dog does not sit with the treatment technique,

you can use a rope and collar: stand near your dog, keep your face in the same direction in which it is. Apply a slight pressure on the back of the collar to encourage it to sit.

  • To encourage sitting, you can also give a scoop with a slight push from your hand to the dog’s back legs. You can tilt the dog slightly backward with the help of the collar while doing this.
  • As soon as he sits down, you immediately praise him and award him.

6. Don’t repeat the command:

You have to prepare your dog to listen in the first time, not the second, third, or fourth time. If the dog does not work within two seconds of your saying, then with the help of his rope, get that command complied.

  • When you start training the dog, do not give him any command that you cannot do now. Otherwise, the dog will not listen to you in this training because you are not able to get what he says, so the commands have no meaning.
  • Create a positive atmosphere for the dog, praising, and maintaining compatibility.

7. Appreciate his behavior in this natural way:

Try to see throughout the day when your dog sits by itself. Appreciate that word and after a few days you will find that your dog is there to take care of you, he will sit on you instead of jumping or barking at you.

How to teach your dog the stand command

1. Understand the meaning of the “stand up” command:

the importance of “sit” and “wait” is understandable, but you might not understand at first why you need to teach the dog to “stand up” is. You will not use “stand up” every day, but you will need it throughout the life of your dog. For example, a dog who can “stand” peacefully may be an ideal patient at a wet clinic and an ideal client at Groomers.

2. Get ready for a training session:

Take one of her cute toys or a handful of treats to get your dog’s attention and reward him for learning the command. Initially keep the dog in “down” or “lie down” posture and then give the command to “stand”. He will have to stand up from lying down to get his toy or treat.

3. Pay attention to the dog:

You have to lure him to stand by showing a toy or luring a treat. You place a toy or treat in front of his mouth at the height of his nose.

  • If he sits down thinking that he will get treatment by doing this, then try again, but give something less than a toy or treat. If you are using a treat, keep it in your palm, on the opposite side of your thumb.

4. Inspire the dog to follow your hand:

keep your hand straight and your palm down. Place your hand near his nose and move a few inches away. The idea is that the dog will be standing chasing your hand.

  • To understand it for the first time, you have to touch it with the other hand from below the hips to inspire him.

5. Immediately praise:

As soon as he comes in standing posture, praise, and treats him. While you have not yet started the verbal command “stand up”, you can still say “good stand” in praise of it.

6. Also include the verbal “stand” command:

First of all, you will do whatever is in your hand with a toy or treat. When he becomes proficient in that concept, include the “stand” command in the training session.

7. Add the “stand” command to more commands

There are several ways to add commands. After you “stand/stand” your dog, you can add “wait” or “stay” command to it, if you want to keep your dog standing for a long time. You can then add “sit” or “down” to get some doggy drills done, and gradually increase the distance between you and the dog. Finally, you will see your dog from outside the room performing these commands.

Teaching the “Listen” command to your dog.

1. Understand the meaning of “Listen” command:

It can also be called “watch me” command, “Listen” is the first command that you should teach your dog. Teach it to attract your dog’s attention so that you can give him another command or command. Some people use their dog’s name instead of “Listen”. This is especially useful if you have more than one dog. That way every dog will understand when you want his attention.

2. Have some enough treats ready.

These can be store-bought dog treats or even small pieces of hot dogs. Choose a treat that your dog likes and for which he is willing to do something.

3. Stand near your dog.

However, you have nothing to do with him right now. If he responds to your presence, stand quietly and watch out until he loses his interest in you.

4. Say “listen” in a calm but firm voice:

If you have been using your dog’s name instead of “listen” or “look at me”, then it would be better for you to take his name. Tone and intensity should be the same as when you use a person’s name to attract them.

5. Do not raise your voice to direct his attention:

Keep this very loud voice for a “life saving” situation, such as if he gets out of the fence or gets rid of his rope. If you occasionally raise your voice and say something to him, then whenever you shout at him, then you will get his attention directly on you, when you need to shout. But if you always say “loud” to your dog, then he will start ignoring it and then it will always be unheard of. In such a situation, shouting by you will not be considered as attracting special attention.

  • Dogs have great hearing power — much better than us. In fact, you speak this command very slowly and your dog still responds to it. When you get a reaction from your dog even when you speak very slowly, then people will think that you are a “dog whisperer” person.

6. Reward it immediately for the expected response.

As soon as your dog stops doing what he is doing and looks at you, praise him and give him a treat. If you are doing clicker training, then make a sound on the click before you compliment or give a treat.

  • Remember that your response should be immediate. The sooner you award him, the better he will understand the connection between command, behavior, and reward.

7. Then slowly stop giving treats:

once they learn the command, then you should not give them treatment to do it. Even after this, you should use the clicker and continue the verbal praise as well.

  • It is also necessary to get rid of dog treats, otherwise, he can always expect treatment from you. Otherwise, in the end, you will have only one dog, which will perform only when you have food.
  • Praise your dog regularly, even when he has learned the command, but then reduce the treatment a bit. This way, this command will fit into your dog’s dictionary.
  • Once they are confirmed in the command, then after that you can use these treats to speed up their behavior or make them more perfect. After that, he will soon understand that treats are combined with commands that come after “listen”.

How to teach your dog to speak

1. First, understand this command:

“Speak” command teaches your dog to bark for any verbal signal given by you. This is a new command of its kind. But with the “quiet” command, it can manage a dog barking very well.

  • Be very careful when teaching this command: Inexperienced trainers sometimes find the training to teach such “speaking” out of their control. He stops teaching dogs who bark at him all the time.

2. Train your dog with a clicker:

“Speaking” training requires much more immediate praise than other commands. Teach your dog to align the click sound with the treatment and the clicking and treating line.

  • Continue this clicker training until your dog considers this click sound an award for yourself. The acquittal of the treatment will come later.

3. Pay attention to this, when your dog barks a lot:

It depends on the breed of each dog and it is different in every dog, so you have to check it according to the dog you have. They may bark at a time when you keep their treat near you, when someone knocks at the door, when someone bells at the door, or when a horn is played.

4. Repeat the event that provoked him.

You know why your dog barks, then do that action again in front of your dog. The purpose of doing this is to teach him to bark with himself, then appreciate his work.

  • You can see for yourself how dangerous it can be at the hands of a trainer without any experience.
  • That is why “speaking” training is slightly different from other commands. You will already include the verb command in it. In this way, Doug doesn’t feel like you’re praising him for his natural behavior.

5. Use the verbal “speak” command from the beginning.

Your dog barks initially, the first time you bark, then give the verbal “speak / speak” command, click, and give him a treat.
Commands so far have taught behavior first, then added a command that comes before the behavior.

  • However, this “speaking/speech” training is still very easy. Dog gets the prize for the first barking.
  • Therefore, it is better to add the verb command to the behavior in progress. Verbal commands never reward when you bark without a dog.

6. Combine the “speak” and “quiet” commands:

If you have a dog, who barks naturally, you can’t think of teaching him to “speak” and in this case, you can help. Even then you teach him to “speak”, then you can also teach him to be “calm”. While you don’t need to teach “speak” for a dog who barks a lot, you need to teach to be “calm”.

  • Once your dog has learned to “speak”, then after this, including teaching him to be “calm” in your training session.
  • Now give him the command “Speak”.
  • However, instead of rewarding “speaking”, wait when the dog stops barking.
  • Give the verbal “quiet” command.
  • If the dog remains silent, reward this “quiet” (no barking) with a click and a treat.

Teaching the come command to your Dog

1. Understand the value of the command:

“low” (come) is used when you want to call your dog near you. This command is strongly life-saving because if your dog opens, it can save it from running.

2. Get your dog ready for “come” training.

You should always start this training indoors (or from your fencing ground) with less stretch. Tie a 6-foot rope to your dog’s collar so that you can attract his attention and prevent him from running away.

3. Attract the attention of your dog:

You have to call your dog towards you. You can do this with a loud toy, clapping with joy or just by spreading your arms. This work can be done by going a little far and then stopping because chasing is the habit of the dog.

  • Use praise and “happy voice” to motivate him to call you.

4. Immediately praise:

Make a voice with your clicker, praise in your “happy voice”, and give him a treat when he comes towards you.

5. Use Verbal Command and Behavior Command Simultaneously:

As soon as your dog starts to understand that he will get the prize when he comes to you, start giving him the verbal command “Less”. When he responds to this command, praise him again and simultaneously say “good”, “well come”! ”

6. Now start doing this training in a public place:

because the “Come” command can save the life of any dog, so he should listen and respond to this command, no matter how distracting. Take your training sessions from your home or home grounds to a public park. There will be more scenes, sounds, and smells that will attract his attention.

7. Increase the length of the rope:

You started training with a 6-foot rope, but now you have to call your dog for long distances. To increase the length, try connecting two ropes.

8. In an environment where the place is surrounded by all fours, train the dog by opening the rope:

it will teach him to come to you from a long distance.

  • To leave the rope and give training, ask someone else to help you. You can play “ping-pong” and both turn to call the dog.

9. Give him big prizes:

Because it is so important to learn this command, your praise for this should be something extraordinary. Responding to the “less” command should be the best part of your dog’s day.

10. Do not allow any negative talk to be added to this command:

Never mind if you are in a bad mood, never say “less” in anger. If you are furious that your dog has freed the rope and runs for five minutes unopened, when he finally reacts to the “low”, then praise him. Remember that you praised the last thing he did and the last thing he did was to come to you.

  • Do not shout at him even if he is screaming, jerking, or approaching you badly. A bad experience will make you lose years of training.
  • Once you say “less”, don’t say anything your dog doesn’t like. While you may be tempted to give commands when you want to bathe him, trim his nails, or clean his ears, saying “less” should always entertain him.
  • If you have to do something that your dog does not like, then at this time you should not call him by giving a command, instead bring the dog yourself. Praise him on the way, so that he stays calm and gets things done. Of course, you can still treat him at this time.

11. Go back to basics again.

If you have a fear that your dog runs away when it is open and ignores the “low” command, then train it with a rope tied to it. Continue the rope training until he reliably listens to the “low” command.

  • Do not rush in command training too soon. This is very important and cannot be done half-heartedly.

12. Always keep training in your dog’s life:

Because this behavior is so important, it should be kept active throughout his life. If you move your dog without a rope, keep a treat in your pocket to execute the command.

  • You will also have to give such a command to your dog that he should understand that it is not right for him to be with you all the time. Sometimes saying “free” is also an example of this, but it would mean, now your dog is completely free, now unless you give him a command, he can do whatever he wants to do.

13. Continue to have fun with him still.

You also don’t want your dog to feel that whenever he comes to you, the fun is over, someone ties a rope, and they go back home. Otherwise, because of this, you will get less reliable and less happy responses to “Kams”. Therefore, call the dog, praise him and when he comes, let him playback by saying “free”.

14. Make a habit of holding the dog by the collar:

it has no resemblance to the verbal command. When the dog comes to you, grab his collar so that when someone touches him, he should not think of it as a joke.

  • When you bow down to give him the prize for “less”, grab his collar and caress it near the neck, just as you are stroking him while giving him treats.
  • Sometimes, but not always, the rope should be tied when you hold the collar.
  • You can also tie a small rope around their neck and let them “free” it again. The ropes must mean something amusing and we have to go to some places. There is no room for hard modifications here

Teaching the Heal Command

1. Take your dog in a rope and move it regularly.

This is important not only for training but also for physical and mental health. It also depends on the species of dog that you have, it may require a lot of exercises to be happy and in shape.

2. Refuse to pull: Many dogs pull the rope when they learn to move.

When he starts pulling, then you stop right there. Then do not take the next step until the dog comes towards you and does not focus on you.

3. Change directions:

Another effective way is to go in the opposite direction and encourage the dog to walk with you. When he understands it, praise and treat him.

4. Make it enjoyable for you to be on it:

Exploring the environment is your dog’s natural habit. You will want to walk towards him and make him attractive. When you change directions, make a happy voice, and praise it when it comes to you.

5. Use the speaking and practical commands together:

Now if the dog constantly walks towards you, you can give this behavior a name such as “heel” or “let us go”.


  • Remember that dogs are very sensitive and you can simply use sign language as a method of teaching or clicker training.
  • Patience, love, and kindness will result in your dog learning quickly and the bond between you will grow stronger than ever.
  • That’s how I trained my dog, what training methods did you use to train your dog, please comment below?




Dogs Jump Online
Dogs Jump Online

Written by Dogs Jump Online



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